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Welcome to Bee Control!

We have all types of pest control products for wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, carpenter bees, and more. Pestech®, where you can find exactly what you need.

Apicide® Dust for Bees, Wasps and Yellow Jackets, 10oz

Great product for stinging insects. The product for Carpenter Bee Control! Works best where jet spray aerosols fail, in nests where all you see are wasps or yellow jackets disappearing into a crack in the mortar or a hole in the ground. The dust is carried deep into the nest by returning bees, thereby eliminating the entire colony.

Item# Ap10

Price $15.95

*Please note that we only ship to locations within the United States

Apicide® is not for sale in California, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana

Gotcha Sprayer Pro Adapter

The Gotcha Sprayer Pro is an adaptor that enables you to attach and trigger virtually any type of aerosol can from the end of an extension pole. Now the same Gotcha Sprayer Pro will work with our Powder Duster as well. Dust or Spray from the end of an extension pole.

Item# GSPA

Price $29.95

*Please note that we only ship to locations within the United States